Cultured Meat Symposium
November 1st kicking off at 9:00am at Bespoke Events
9:00 am – Registration & Breakfast
10:00 am – Introduction
10:05 am – Dr. Eric Schulze, Memphis Meats
10:45 am – VC Panel
Moderator: Heather Mack, Wall Street Journal
Macy Marriott, Stray Dog Capital
Dr. Jun Axup, IndieBio / SOSV
Laura Zaim, New Crop Capital
11:45 am – Flavor Panel
Moderator: Adam Yee, Better Meat Co. / My Food Job Rocks
Amit Tewari, Soul Burger
Barb Stuckey, Mattson
Vitor Santo, JUST
12:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – Dr. Allison Berke, Good Food Institute
Clean meat (meat grown in cell culture rather than obtained from animal slaughter) is an emerging biotechnology industry that will ameliorate the serious environmental, sustainability, global public health, and animal welfare concerns of industrial animal agriculture. While many technologies and products developed for the cell therapy industry can already be applied to clean meat, significant opportunities exist to expand product lines to supply this emerging industry. Large-scale cell culture for clean meat production presents a number of unique requirements that are not currently met by existing products and processes from the biomedical industry − most notably related to cost constraints and scale requirements. Developing these tools for clean meat would simultaneously advance the technology and reduce costs for biomedical and therapeutic applications.